Random stuff for myself
Refresh password (RDP) runas /user:{user} cmd.exe
Oneplus 8 driver
Unlock How to unlock bootloader for OnePlus smart Phone - OnePlus Support - OnePlus (United States) Fastboot Get the Google USB Driver | Android Developers Download and Install Android USB Drivers for popular OEMs (xda-developers.com) MSMTool [OP8][OOS TMO 55CB] Unbrick tool to restore your device to OxygenOS | XDA Forums (xda-developers.com) UPDATE: OnePlus 8 IN2017 T-Mobile to International (with Bootloader Re-LOCK) | XDA Forums (xda-developers.com) instantnoodlet_15_O.06_200411.zip | by Some_Random_Username for OnePlus 8 (androidfilehost....
Terminal Shortcut
Lunavim Tab: L H explorer: <space> e format: <space> lf find file: <space> f find text: <space> F Split panel: <C-w> v <C-w> s Close: <C-w> q switch panel: <C-hjkl> popout panel up down: Ctrl-n Ctrl-p goto definition gd move line up/down alt+j alt+k hover K line diagnostic gl Vim HALF Page up/down: <C-U> <C-D> Jump List <C-O> <C-I> Last command: @: word base w b e ge W B E gE...
Synology VPN Static IP
Setup a Static IP Address for OpenVPN Clients on your Synology NAS! (wundertech.net) Edit this file whenever the system upgrade /usr/syno/etc/packages/VPNCenter/openvpn/ccd/vpnuser ifconfig-push