
  • Tab: L H

  • explorer: <space> e

  • format: <space> lf

  • find file: <space> f

  • find text: <space> F

  • Split panel: <C-w> v <C-w> s

  • Close: <C-w> q

  • switch panel: <C-hjkl>

  • popout panel up down: Ctrl-n Ctrl-p

  • goto definition gd

  • move line up/down alt+j alt+k

  • hover K

  • line diagnostic gl


  • HALF Page up/down: <C-U> <C-D>

  • Jump List <C-O> <C-I>

  • Last command: @:

  • word base w b e ge W B E gE

  • inside word iw

  • ctrl + y to move the screen up one line.

  • ctrl + e to move the screen down one line.

  • z + z to move the current line I’m on to the center of the screen.

  • z + t to move the current line I’m on to the top of the screen.

  • z + b to move the current line I’m on to the bottom of the screen.

  • g; go to the previous change location

  • g, go to the newer change location

  • Ctrl+a will increment the number under the cursor or the first occurrence of a number to the right of the cursor

  • Ctrl+x will decrement the number under the cursor or the first occurrence of a number to the right of the cursor

  • zz reposition the current line to the middle of the visible window

  • * searches the word nearest to the cursor in the forward direction (matches only the whole word)

  • # opposite

  • ~ invert the case of the character under the cursor (i.e. lowercase becomes UPPERCASE and vice versa)

  • . repeat last change

  • A - insert (append) at the end of the line

  • I - insert at the beginning of the line

  • Ctrl + ox - Temporarily enter normal mode to issue one normal-mode command x.

  • qd start recording to register d

  • @d execute your macro

  • @@ execute your macro again


delete world: Ctrl + w


next prev window: <leader> n/p